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Commercial Lending
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When you're looking for a real estate loan, it's important to deal with professionals who recognize that real estate lending needs differ with every situation. Whether you are purchasing a building, expanding your current facility or building a new location, Provident Bank can help you select a loan program which fits your needs. Our goal is to build a lasting business relationship with you!

Provident Bank's team of lending professionals offers Commercial Real Estate loans on multifamily and commercial real estate properties located in Southern California and the Bay Area as primary markets. We offer adjustable rate financing at competitive rates for loan amounts starting at $350,000. We provide financing for many income property types:

  • Industrial
  • Office
  • Mobile Home Parks
  • Self-Storage
  • Construction Loans - Commercial
  • Multifamily
  • Retail
To find out more about our flexible and competitive loan programs, contact one of our Commercial Loan Agents
Gina Koenen
Stacy Loreto
Catherine Xu
Joy Hong
Commercial Lending Programs
Item Commercial Real Estate Multifamily Homes Construction Loans
Property Types Office Buildings, industrial, mini warehouse, retail Apartments, Mobile Home Parks Commercial, Multifamily and SFR
Loan Size Up to $6,000,000, or higher on case by case basis Up to $6,000,000, or higher on case by case basis Minimum loan amount $300,000
Program Types Straight Adjustable
1, 3, 5 YR Fixed/Adjustable, call for pricing and terms
Straight Adjustable
3, 5, 7 YR Fixed/Adjustable, call for pricing and terms
Term 10 years 30 years 12 to 18 Months
Amortization 25 or 30 yrs maximum 30 yrs maximum Interest Only As Disbursed
Loan to Value 70% maximum on office and industrial & retail
70% maximum on mini warehouses
75% maximum 65% Commercial / 75% SFR OO
Min Debt Coverage Ration Industrial, Office, Retail - 1.25%
Mini Warehouse - 1.30%
Apartments - 1.25%
Mobile home parks - 1.25%
Commercial - 1.25%, Tract - N/A
Recourse Full Recourse Full Recourse Yes
Loan Fee Up to 1 point Up to 1 point 1 point
Processing Fee $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00
Legal Costs Billed at actual cost if outside counsel is required Billed at actual cost if outside counsel is required Billed at actual cost if outside counsel is required
Other Costs Appraisal, Title, Environmental, and Closing Costs Appraisal, Environmental, Title, and Closing Costs Fund Control/Inspection Fee, Appraisal, Title, Environmental, and Closing Costs
Impounds May be required for taxes and insurance May be required for taxes and insurance
Prepayment Fee Yes Yes None
Broker Submissions Accepted Accepted Accepted

Commercial and Construction Lending Forms
NOTE: For your safety, when emailing forms, please ensure they are encrypted.
If you do not have an encryption process, contact your Provident Bank representative to forward an email that will allow you to reply with your sensitive information encrypted. Forms can also be faxed, mailed or hand delivered to your Provident Bank Representative.

All Forms should be completed using a computer, when applicable, since many forms contain automatic calculations.

Required Items
Multifamily & Commercial Construction Loans
Checklist / List of all financials required Construction Loan Needs list / All items
1003 Loan Application 1003 Loan Application
1003 Supplemental Form / All borrowers 1003 Supplemental Form / All borrowers
1003 Loan Application 2nd Borrower 1003 Loan Application 2nd Borrower
1003 Loan Application Continuation Form 1003 Loan Application Continuation Form
Loan Cover Letter Construction Loan Request Form
Patriot Act Patriot Act
Credit Consent Credit Consent
LOE Source of Down Vesting Management LOE Source of Down Vesting Management
Insurance Authorization Letter Insurance Authorization Letter
Environmental Questionnaire Environmental Questionnaire
4506C 4506C
Schedule of Real Estate Owned Schedule of Real Estate Owned
Business Purpose of Loan Certification Business Purpose of Loan Certification
Certification of Beneficial Owners of Legal Entities Certification of Beneficial Owners of Legal Entities
Beneficial owners insert/Disclosure data Beneficial owners insert/Disclosure data
Borrower Consent to the use of tax return information form Borrower Consent to the use of tax return information form
CCPA Notice at Collection CCPA Notice at Collection
Rent Roll Schedule of Real Estate Owned
Operating Statement Form Construction Cost Breakdown (Excel Spreadsheet)
Hazard Insurance Disclosure Description of Materials
Carbon Monoxide Form (multifamily only) Contractor Data Sheet
Building Standards SB 721 Building Standards SB 721
Contractor Financial Statement